How to keep yourself updated with new research?

Jacky Liu
version: “v1.0” (2017/02/22)
We all know that keeping ourself up-to-date is so important when doing research. But how? Waiting someone to organize the information for you? If you are the boss, this could be your option. Checking all related websites everyday? Obviously, we don’t have so much time to do so.
Therefore, in this article, I’d like to provide you with some useful tools to keep yourself updated with less effort.

Google alerts

You could think “Google alerts” as your personal secretary that helps you “google” any keyword that you are interested in every day.
For example, I’d like to keep update about “slam”. Just type “slam” into the search column and press “Bild alerts” button.
And you will find “SLAM” appear in your subscription list. After pressing the “pencil” button, detail setting for this keyword could be adjusted.
Under my alert setting, Google will send me an e-mail every night at 10 o’clock. Email summaries keyword related news and blog post. If you prefer to use RSS reader, you could search “google alert rss” for further information.

RSS reader

Different from checking each interested website by yourself. RSS reader enables you to get all contents in one place. The RSS reader that I recommend is “Feedly”. Why “Feedly”? Firstly, it’s free. Second, it’s elegant, no bothering advertisement even for free version! Besides web version. Feedly also provide app for you read on your smart phone.

Any subscription

The last tip is - utilizing all available subscription. Facebook group, Youtube channel, Google+, Quora,…etc. All these platforms could connect you to people from different society.
Everytime when you foound a good article, don’t forget to check the same website and subcript it. Good articles tend to appears in the same website, so don’t miss them out.


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